Capitán América vela por nosotros

An original painting
by María Dolores Rodríguez

Dated 2001 - 35¼ inches x 31¼ inches

Oil on Canvas; Framed.

Framed size:** 37½ inches x 33½ inches

In the style of a Mexican folk art ex voto retablo painting, Rodríguez here depicts nine people at a small private party with Captain America in the upper left corner, watching over the festivities. The caption/inscription reads: Gracias al vigilante Capitán América tuvimos nuestra fiesta en paz y armonia. [Thanks to the vigilant Captain America we had our party in peace and harmony.] 1/12/76 Leo, Matilde y Jenny Gomez, San Juan de los Pinos, Gro.

Capitán América vela por nosotros illustrated the cover of the Spring 2006 issue of the Latin American Research Review, published by the University of Texas Press. A copy of the journal will be included with the painting.

Condition: Very good. Floats in a custom wood frame.
